We are Posta Moldovei


The state-owned enterprise "Posta Moldovei" is the only national postal operator that provides a wide range of postal and financial services.

We are closer to our customers and partners thanks to our 1130 post offices.

For more than three decades, we have established a well-known and trusted name; the team of the state-owned enterprise Posta Moldovei includes over 4300 employees! This performance mobilizes us to stay open to opportunities and innovations in a century of cutting-edge speeds and technologies.

We tend to become the Number One Choice among the customers when it comes to the market of postal services, and the goal is to expand our portfolio of modern services, tailored to new standards and customer needs.

Our mission is to create a successful partnership in the process of collaborating with our partners and customers. We come up with ideas and solutions to develop, to anticipate the needs of customers and to enhance their confidence in the accountability of our institution.


The spectrum of new, modern services adjusted and aligned to the needs of our customers allows us to state that our institution can deliver trust to all the beneficiaries of the state-owned enterprise Posta Moldovei. Innovations are in our DNA, which provides our partners with larger flexibility, and us – with continuous rely on progress pace.
Customer loyalty is evidence that we provide top services and that our actions are materialized.
We prove every day that this is possible!
We are investing in the future. We invest in the People of Posta Moldovei and in our business tools. We believe in the potential of each employee and encourage our staff participation in various professional team building activities! The reason for this is our commitment to stay always close to our employees and our customers!
We deliver professionalism through every action or activity. Reputation is the key statement in every activity effort of every employee of Posta Moldovei.
We are a team of visionary experts, and this motivates us to look with confidence towards the future!​​