
SE Posta Moldovei denotes dynamic trends in the area of international postal services and aims to initiate, maintain and strengthen collaborative relationships with both international organizations and foreign postal operators, for the general purpose of improving the quality standards of the services provided.
There is a single postal territory, with no barriers and borders, where postal items circulate freely. The rules governing the operation of the territory concerned are stipulated and maintained by a specialized UN body called the Universal Postal Union (UPU).
The Universal Postal Union is one of the oldest existing international organizations; it was established in 1874, and is a forum for cooperation supporting the communication between the national postal operators. UPU makes recommendations to its members in order to boost postal traffic and improve the quality of services in affiliated countries. The Republic of Moldova has been a member of the Universal Postal Union since 1992.
SE Posta Moldovei became a member of PostEurop on January 1, 1997, and participates in its activities, structural units, and the annual general meetings. PostEurop membership is an important element in the framework of Moldova's efforts to join the EU.
Moldova's membership in the Universal Postal Union, PostEurop, CERP, etc. ensures the integration of the Moldovan postal service in the world postal network and provides our country with important opportunities: access to the experience of advanced postal operators in the field of development and modernization of services, implementation of advanced technologies, technical support, consulting, etc.
The international cooperation of SE Posta Moldovei is aimed at ensuring the deepest possible integration in the global postal network in order to obtain additional opportunities, to develop faster and to gain competitive advantage.
The implementation of recognized international standards, the exchange of experience with foreign partners, as well as the maintenance of an efficient collaboration with the postal operators from the UPU member countries, stimulate the development of our company both in the internal and external markets, and also enable positioning ourselves as a reliable and trusted external partner.