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I received a notice / message on my phone regarding a postal item, what should I do further?
The message you have received inform you that a postal item has been sent to your address. To pick up the shipment, you should come to the postal office indicated in the message. Note: you have to have your ID by you!
How should a postal item be properly packed?
The packages/parcels must be packed by the sender in an intact packaging (without cracks, tears) that corresponds to the required weight, shape and nature of the contents, as well as to the mode and duration of transport, and also be of easy-to-handle shapes;
Packages must be packed and closed in such a way as not to endanger the health of postal officers, avoiding dangers from objects that could injure the postal officers involved in the processing of packages.
Glass objects or other fragile objects must be specially packed in a sturdy box, filled with a suitable protective material.
Easily liquefiable liquids and bodies should be sealed in airtight containers. Each container must be placed in a special strong box fitted with a suitable protective material.
Fatty, hard to liquefy bodies, such as ointments, mild soap, etc. must be enclosed in a first package (box, cloth bag, plastic).
Dry powders, dyes, such as aniline blue, etc. are not allowed for transport, except in metal boxes, which in turn are placed in sturdy boxes with an absorbent and protective material between the two packages.
What documents do I have to present when picking up the postal item? Can someone else pick up my referral?
The identification documents on the basis of which the postal items are issued are the followings: identity card, passport, residence permit, military passbook, driving license.
Parcels, EMS consignments and cash on delivery may be issued to persons other than the consignee only on the basis of the power of attorney issued in the manner prescribed.
Mailings of registered letters (letters, small packages up to 2 kg) can be issued without power of attorney, to first-degree family members, upon presentation of a document of identification, as well as the document confirming the relationship.
Postal items addressed to legal entities are handed over to the relevant persons properly authorized to act so.
How can I track the mailing route? Has the postal item arrived at the office of destination?
The route of your package can be tracked based on the mailing number.
Internal mailing numbers are 14 characters long (eg DS0123456789RR), beginning with "D" and ending with "RR", "CC", "AS" or "AR".
International postal numbers are 13 characters long (eg EE123456789MD), beginning with one of the "E", "C", "H", "R", "V" markings and ending with the "MD" marking. “R” is applied for marking letters and registered parcels, “C” – for parcels, “E” – for EMS shipments, and “D” – for letters / parcels / internal parcels. You can track your consignment route on: https://posta.md/ro/tracking
If the tracking numbers start with other symbols (eg U, A, J, etc.), those consignments are simple items, are not tracked and not recorded at the processing stage, and the information on other unofficial websites may be processed automatically and is not always accurate.
How do I redirect a referral to another post office?
You need to submit a special request to re-send mail from one post office to another.
That application may be lodged at any post office and represents an ancillary service against payment.
What is the procedure for renting mailboxes?
In order to rent a mailbox, you have to submit an application to the post office in the name of the head of the office; all the data in the identification document must be indicated in the application.
If it is a legal entity, then indicate the data included in the state registration certificate.
Why has my shipment been verified / withheld by the Customs Service? How should I proceed?
Postal service providers are authorized to subject international postal items to customs control. The customs authorities shall carry out customs control in accordance with customs legislation.
In the case of a retained postal item, in order to materialize and solve the customs problems that have occurred, as a consignee, you should come to the office of the Customs Service (located in the MD-2000 post office), and present the identification document.
The postal service provider assumes no responsibility for the decisions taken by the customs services when verifying postal items subject to customs control.
How can I pick up my postal items at the Post Terminal?
Create an account on the pt.md website.
Indicate a unique delivery address, which you present to the online store / sender.
In the address field, enter the identification number obtained.
When placing the package in the Post Terminal, you will receive a message on your mobile phone.
Show up at the Post Terminal only after receiving the message. If you failed to pick up the package from the Post Terminal for three days, it will be delivered to the Express Courier Center, at Aleea Gării str., 5, Chisinau.
How can I place an order through the Express Courier Service?
The order can be placed at the e-mail address: curier@posta.md or at one of the numbers: 022555559; 079555561.
What are the conditions for the delivery and receipt of cash on delivery?
In order to deliver a cash on delivery item, the sender pays the shipping fee (depending on weight) + 3% of the value of the content.
Upon receipt of the item for cash on delivery, the recipient pays 6 lei + 3% (transport costs).
I have sent a cash on delivery item, but my refund was not refunded. Where should I go to receive it?
In order to collect the refunded amount, you must be present yourself (as a sender) at any post office, with the identification document and the postal item number.
When sending a cash on delivery item, indicate the mobile phone number of the recipient and the sender, so that they are sufficiently informed and the delivery and refund of the refunded amount take place as soon as possible.
The verification of the transfer of the reimbursed amount is performed based on the number of the postal item, which, respectively, is also the number of the money reimbursement mandate.
How do I file a complaint?
You can find the complaint form in any post office or on the website www.posta.md.
A money transfer has been sent to me. How can I receive it? What documents do I need to submit?
In order to check whether a money transfer has been made to your address or to check the status of the transfer you are to receive, you need to contact the post office with your ID and the transfer number provided by the sender.
The transfer number is confidential information, which should be known only to the sender and recipient.
How can I conclude / pay a loan at the post offices?
To conclude a loan, you must first go to the credit company.
When you have a confirmation, you approach any post office with the contract and the identity card for the issuance / payment of the loan.
How can I receive the indexed money from Banca de Economii?
In order to receive the money indexed from the Banca de Economii, you must submit an application to the post office. You need to have your savings card + ID card.
If you are a pensioner, you must present your pension card.
If you are the heir, present the death certificate and the heir certificate.
Where should I go to receive social benefits (pension) or other social benefits?
The payment of benefits / social rights is made through the post offices, at certain dates / periods of the month, as established in accordance with the contractual provisions, the applications submitted by the beneficiaries, but also other requirements in force.
To verify any allowance, please contact the post office on the date set with your ID card.
How can I make a subscription to newspapers / magazines / books?
Subscriptions to the regular editions are made in any post office or through the online platform
Ce se întâmplă cu trimiterile poștale care nu au fost distribuite?
Trimiterile nedistribuite se păstrează de către furnizorul de servicii poştale, la dispoziţia utilizatorilor, timp de 6 luni. După expirarea acestui termen, scrisorile, care nu au putut fi predate destinatarilor şi nici expeditorilor, se nimicesc.
Trimiterile poștale internaționale nedistribuite se înapoiază către administrația poștală a țării de origine ale cărei mărci de francare figurează pe trimitere.
Trimiterile poștale, care nu au putut fi distribuite destinatarilor, se înapoiază expeditorului în următoarele situații:
la expirarea termenelor de păstrare;
la cererea expeditorului;
destinatarul refuză să primească trimiterea;
destinatarul nu este la adresa indicată;
adresatul căsuţei poştale de abonament nu este indicat sau este indicat incorect;
adresa destinatarului indicată pe trimitere este ştearsă sau ruptă;
destinatarul este decedat.
Reexpedierea, retragerea trimiterilor poştale înregistrate, modificarea sau corectarea adresei se face la cererea expeditorului. Înapoierea, reexpedierea, retragerea trimiterilor poștale înregistrate, modificarea sau corectarea adresei în baza cererilor, se efectuează contra plată, conform tarifelor în vigoare.
Corespondența simplă fără adresă, cu adresa incompletă, neclară sau prescurtată, care face imposibilă expedierea ei la destinație sau înapoierea la expeditor, extrasă din cutiile poștale pentru scrisori, precum și trimiterile grevate cu „Taxă-porto” refuzate de destinatari, se păstrează în oficiile poștale de destinație timp de o lună. Mandatele poștale nereclamate se păstrează în oficiile poștale de destinație timp de o lună și ,apoi, se trec la categoria de trimiteri nedistribuite.
Pentru cât timp se depozitează în unitatea poștală trimiterea neridicată?
În așteptarea destinatarului, trimiterile poștale se păstrează în unitatea poștală timp de:
15 zile calendaristice - trimiterile poștale interne;
30 zile calendaristice - trimiterile poștale internaționale;
15 zile calendaristice - trimiterile exprese, inclusiv „EMS”;
7 zile calendaristice - scrisorile recomandate cu mențiunile speciale „Citație” și „Înștiințare”.
Termenele de păstrare pot fi prelungite la cererea expeditorului sau destinatarului, cu excepția scrisorilor cu mențiunile „Citație” și „Înștiințare”:
pentru trimiterile exprese, inclusiv „EMS” - până la o lună;
pentru trimiterile interne și internaționale - până la două luni din data sosirii lor.
Trimiterile poștale, care nu au putut fi distribuite destinatarilor se înapoiază expeditorului în următoarele situații:
la expirarea termenelor de păstrare;
la cererea expeditorului;
destinatarul refuză să primească trimiterea;
destinatarul nu este la adresa indicată;
adresatul căsuţei poştale de abonament nu este indicat sau este indicat incorect;
adresa destinatarului indicată pe trimitere este ştearsă sau ruptă;
destinatarul este decedat.
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