Claims and suggestions

International claims

The collection, examination and resolution of claims is carried out in accordance with the following acts:


The user can address prior complaints to the universal postal service provider for international postal items (letter and parcel post) within 6 months, and 4 months for EMS items. The term is calculated from the date of submission of the postal item.

When submitting the complaint, the user must enter the data from the identification document in the complaint. If the complaint is filed by a third party authorized for this purpose, the single-use power of attorney or the copy of the general power of attorney is attached to the complaint. If the complaint refers to a shipment presented in another country, the claimant must present the copy of the document confirming the dispatch of the postal shipment, issued by the postal unit when the shipment was submitted.

International complaints require coordination with a foreign postal administration and require more time for investigation, therefore they are reviewed within up to 90 working days from the date of registration. Within 30 working days, the claimant will receive an answer informing him about the measures taken in order to resolve the submitted complaint.

  • S.E. "Poșta Moldovei" comply with the security of the information provided by the customers, as well as of personal data, based on the Law on the protection of personal data No. 133 of 08.07.2011;
  • the user assumes full responsibility for the data provided;
  • if the shipping data turns out to be wrong or false, it will become impossible to provide the requested information;
  • the fields of the claim form marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
  • To complete the international complaint form, you will need the reference number, composed of 13 characters, which starts with one of the marks "E", "C", "R", "V" and ends with the marks "MD".
  • A copy of the payment receipt and, as the case may be, a copy of the standard form issued by the postal unit upon submission of the shipment, must be attached to the complaint. Complaints, to which copies of payment receipts will not be attached, will not be examined.


To submit a complaint regarding the quality of the service of sending/receiving your postal item to/from abroad, fill in the fields of the form below.

iPerson *

reasonComplaint *

referenceNumber *

referenceWeight *


referenceType *







date *

postOffice *

voucherNumber *

shippingFee *



fullName *

address *

phone *


email *


fullName *

address *




contentValue *


contentsDetailedValue *

objectOfComplaint *




requestReceiveAnswer *

enterSignsPicture *